Kent State University prof to students who snipe him online: Grow up

Gotta love this professor’s approach to students who anonymously snipe him. Direct, simple. Grow up.
Check out the story in Time about fighting online smears here.
Vids of Dr. Karl Idsvoog, a Kent State prof, on Professors Strike Back here.  (Sorry, can’t seem to get Idsvoog’s vids embedded. Trust me, you’ll love the link.)

One Response

  1. If you actually had this man as a teacher you would not be praising him. He is arrogantly rude to students and instead of giving out constructive criticism, he tears down students’ work to the point where they give up trying because they know it is impossible to get better than a C on a project unless you kiss up, which any dignified student will not do. After having him for a semester I can say that from him I learned very little. It is sad to see that the person young adult are supposed to turn for for guidance and education are instead giving them a slap in the face.

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